Leading by christ's example
Each one should use whatever Gift he was received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Pastor Robert Hein
Tel: (262) 334-7881 ext 114
Email: rhein@gslswb.org
Greetings! My name is Pastor Robert Hein and I love serving God's people at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Sharing the good news of Jesus is a joy and delight.
I have been serving at Good Shepherd for 11 years.
I have been blessed to be married to my wife Carolyn, and we have three wonderful children, Eric, Rachel, and Laura.
My goal is to help us grow in our connection with the Lord through his Word, to build connections with one another through fellowship and joyful service, and to build connections with the people of our community through the power of the Gospel
I invite you to come and find out more about Jesus and his good news for our lives!

Pastor Matt Mueller
Tel: (262) 334-7881 ext 119
Email: mmueller@gslswb.org
I am Pastor Matt Mueller. I went to high school at Luther Preparatory School, where I met my wife Holly. We graduated from there in 2007. Afterward, we both attended Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN. We graduated in 2011; Holly with an Early Childhood Education degree while I continued to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary to become a pastor, graduating in 2015.
From the seminary I was assigned to Living Hope Lutheran Church in Peoria, IL. I served there six years. In 2021, I was called to be the youth and family pastor here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School.
My wife and I have five children. Lilie, Matthew, Eli, Daisy, and Ivy. We enjoy the outdoors including hiking, boating, fishing, hunting, swimming, and the beach.
I hope to be a blessing to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School as we grow spiritually, serve God, and share Jesus together.

Pastor Peter schlicht
Tel: (262) 334-7881 ext 115
Email: pschlicht@gslswb.org
Hello! My name is Pastor Peter Schlicht and I am humbled to serve as your pastor here at Good Shepherd.
After growing up in small towns both in western Minnesota and northern Wisconsin, I attended Luther Preparatory School for High School. I received my BA from Martin Luther College and graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2017. I served as a pastor in Madison, WI for a little over six years before accepting the call as pastor here in West Bend.
The Lord has blessed me with my godly wife (Rachel) and our four children (Solomon, Willow, Simeon, and Sparrow).
Here at Good Shepherd I'm called as the pastor overseeing Worship and the Support Board. I love to plan meaningful ways for God's people to receive his Word and Sacrament, with a special joy for music. I am passionate about teaching, diving deeply into God's Word in order to foster depth in Christian faith.
Finally, I am so thankful for Good Shepherd's emphasis on Christian education and care for God's little lambs.

Pastor Paul Janke
Tel: 605-956-0221
Pastor Paul Janke is the son of Pastor Martin and Marie Janke. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and is a graduate of Winnebago Lutheran Academy, Northwestern College, and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. By God’s grace he has been a pastor for forty years, serving congregations in Portland, Maine, San Jose and Modesto, California, and, most recently, Watertown, South Dakota.
While he was at the seminary, he met Carol Rusch on a blind date. They’ve been married for forty years. God has blessed their marriage with four children: Jenny Mangini (Coronado, California), Jessica Johnston (Menasha, Wisconsin), Peter Janke (Chiang Mai, Thailand), and Erik Janke (Bluffton, South Carolina). The Jankes have 11 grandchildren.
Pastor Janke’s favorite parts of the ministry are teaching Bible studies and visiting shut-ins. In his spare time, he enjoys reading history and biographies, walking, doing yard work and camping.
His favorite Bible passage is Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

2024/25 Coordinating Council
President: Paul Ihlenfeldt
Vice President: Ken Mantz
Secretary: Dan Herriges
Financial Officer: Korey Johnson
Chairman of the Six Boards
Adult Nurture Board
Chairman: Tom Getka
David Ertmer, Loren Bailey
Family Nurture Board
Chairman: Kurt Kolander
Josh Dettman, Richard Schmidt
Outreach Board
Chairman: Todd Biesterfeld
Paul Braun
School Board
Chairman: Keaton Reis
Matt Kopp, Nathan Schmidt, Scott Berger, Scott Zeinert
Support Board
Chairman: Adam Retzlaff
Ron Kempf, Curt Horbas
Worship Board
Chairman: Peter Kapler
Eric Bublitz, Billy Crowley
Ladies League President: Kathy Mertes
Adult Choir: Ryan Kluba
Adult Handbell Chair: Eileen Schmiege
Children's Choir: Ryan Kluba
Pioneers: Denise Retzlaff
Sunday School: Wes Schmandt
Children's Handbell Choirs: Ryan Kluba
Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School Contact: Dan Schultz
leadership Organization chart